Wednesday, December 12, 2007

4 months old (a week and a half late)

Maggie is now 4 months old and the other night while Sam was on the computer, and I was in the kitchen and Maggie was on a blanket looking up at the tree she started fussing, and then Sam called me in. Maggie had rolled from her back to her stomach, and she was not happy about it. She is also getting very coordinated, and holds her pacifier, and can sometimes even get it into her mouth. It is just about the most adorable thing I have ever seen.


Anonymous said...

YEA, pictures of Maggie again....I have been missing my little darling. I was so happy today to see here back on the reader board. Your tree is lovely and we are looking forward to your coming to visit our home and tree.

Grandma Marsha

Anonymous said...

love the tree and love the baby under it!! can't wait to see ya'll! love, nanette p.s. at least you know the grandmas are paying attention!