Sunday, May 9, 2010

a little update in words:

We are doing fine down in Southern Idaho, holding onto the fact that it will warm up, and it will get hot and we will pull out the baby pool, and maybe I will even get a tan...
Sam has been out of town this week for work, so I have been trying to fill up my time by going to Idaho Falls (about 45 minutes from us) to shop (we have gone twice), and going to Aberdeen (45 min) to see Grandma Patty.
When we are at home I do the usual stuff minus cooking dinner. Leftovers for me and Maggie. After dinner we have been walking to visit some horses that are right down the road and around the corner from us. Maggie loves it and starts talking the second we step out the door. She just goes down the sidewalk pulling her wagon with her baby in it and stopping to wave at all the cars that pass us by. She is such a fun friend for me to go shopping and walking with.
Evie also enjoys the walks. She is at a great age. She is sturdy, and grabbing at things (she got my bangs yesterday), rolling over and giggling. Maggie loves to try and make her laugh, Evie usually likes it, but sometimes I have to intervene when the playing gets a little too rough.
Sam took the camera with him, but I will try and get some pictures up once he gets home...

1 comment:

Melodie said...

Get yourself, Samuel and those little sweeties up here - Pronto! That swing in the front yard is calling Maggie's name.