Friday, August 1, 2008

Part Two:

This is me exactly one year ago. That is a big baby belly... In this picture we were getting ready to head out to the hospital. It was one week past your due date, and we had an appointment at the doctor's office in the morning. We decided to induce that afternoon (and I thought to myself that August 1 would be a great birthday for you, you did not agree...). We were so excited and nervous. I was pretty much all packed up, and your bassinet was all ready for your arrival.
As we drove to the hospital, I was thinking about how excited I was to see what you looked like, and if you were really going to be a girl like we thought. Your dad made some phone calls to let the grandparents know they would have a new grandkid soon. We got to Gritman and into our room and just settled in. That first day and night we pretty much just sat around, the meds weren't doing too much, but the next morning we got the real stuff, and the contractions started. We watched a few movies, and had visitors, and read a little, and I did a lot of walking the halls of the hospital in my fluffy white robe attached to my IV in hopes that my moving would move you along. That evening things were beginning to hurt more, so I opted for the epidural-it was great. I got a few solid hours of sleep, and then around 3:15 or so things started picking up, and they brought in all of the baby supplies, and turned on the warming light on your bassinet and that is how I knew I was really going to have you soon...

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